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j0343859[1]kentucky miniature horse

breeders Incentive


Rules and Regulations

Printable Version of Rules


   A.   Participation Requirements:


1.     Must be a member of Kentucky Miniature Horse Breeders (KMHB).  If not, you may submit a Membership Application.


2.     Must be a member of American Miniature Horse Association (AMHA).  If not, you may join.


3.     All horses must be nominated and fees paid.  It is not necessary for the owner of the stallion, the dam or the foal to be a resident of the state of Kentucky in order to participate in this Incentive Fund.


4.     All owners, breeders and sire owners must be in good standing with KMHB and AMHA.


5.     All stallion owners must file and pay Sale and Use Tax and file Form 51A132.  Refer to C #1.



A.    General Rules


1.     The KMHB with approval of the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission (KHRC) reserves the right to alter the conditions of all or part of the Kentucky Miniature Horse Breeders Incentive Fund (KMHB IF) program as it, in its sole discretion, determines to ensure fairness and equality to all participants so that the spirit and intent of the program are being upheld.


2.     The KHRC, in consultation with the KMHB, shall decide any and all disputes arising out of the application or interpretation of any rules or conditions of the KMHB IF.


3.     An entrant is ineligible to participate in the KMHB IF where prohibited by law because of legal residence, status of approved event, or any other basis, and all or the prohibited portion of the earned points or purse money shall be disregarded in calculations for an earned portion of the KMHB IF.


4.     Members of the KMHB are encouraged to use the KMHB IF logo in their ads.  The logo will be supplied for free, however, it may not be altered.


5.     The KHRC, KMHB and/or their authorized representatives reserve the right and shall be granted the opportunity in a timely manner, to enter the premises of any and all participants of the KMHB IF to ensure compliance with program rules. No prior warning will be given.  All facilities housing stallions will be checked.


6.     Any attempt in connection with the KMHB IF to provide false or misleading information to the KMHB or government officials, or to otherwise engage in fraudulent activity, shall result in appropriate disciplinary action by the KMHB and the application of all civil and criminal penalties that may apply.  KMHB will utilize all options to monitor any fraud against the program.  KMHB and KHRC reserve the right to confirm a stallion’s residency or confirm a mare’s foaling or breeding location with a farm or breeding facility visit.  See General Rule B 5.  Any breeder/owner/trainer/exhibitor participating in any misleading or fraudulent activity will be banned for life from the KMHB IF and reported to the State of Kentucky.


B.    Miniature Horses that are eligible to participate in KMHB IF:


1.     Stallions must stand the entire breeding season in Kentucky, submit a Stallion Nomination Form, color copy of stallion’s papers front and back by Feb 1st of that year, and all fees paid. Nominator must file Sales and Use Tax with Form 51A132. For further clarification go to Kentucky: Department of Revenue - Sales and Use Tax.


a)    The “breeding season” is defined as beginning February 15 and ending September 1 or after the last mare is bred, which ever comes first, each year in the northern hemisphere. Stallions shall stand the entire breeding season in Kentucky. All semen to include raw, cooled, frozen, or otherwise, shall be produced and utilized to cause the conception of the KMHB IF eligible offspring during the breeding season in which the stallion stood in Kentucky. If the stallion does not reside in Kentucky for the entire breeding season, the resulting offspring will not be KMHB IF eligible. Stallions may attend approved shows by submitting an Intent to Show form. Forms must be postmarked 2 weeks prior to show. Forms mailed or faxed less than 2 weeks prior will be charged a $10.00 late fee. Stallions leaving the state without prior notification can be suspended. 


Clarification: The stallion may leave the state during the breeding season for show, race, or other purposes unrelated to breeding services. If a stallion owner chooses to have a shorter breeding season and remove the stallion from his declared residence prior to AUG 1 that may be done so long as no other breeding occurs. Stallions do not have to be physically in Kentucky by February 15, but should have a declared residence by this date. Prior to covering the first mare, the declared residence of the stallion needs to be on record with KMHB. KMHB and the KHRA reserve the right to confirm a stallion’s residency with a farm or breeding facility visit.


b)    A copy of the AMHA Stallion Breeding Report shall be sent to the KMHB by December 31 of the calendar year for which the report was filed. Non Kentucky residents should include a copy of the stallion’s board bills covering his time in Kentucky. Copies post marked after that date will be accepted with a $500.00 penalty fee.  Amendments to the AMHA Stallion Breeding Report shall be reported to KMHB at the time they are reported to AMHA.


c)     Owners filing a 2009 Stallion Nomination Form and 2008 AMHA Stallion Breeding Report by June 1, 2009 will not be charged any penalties.  The 2009 AMHA Stallion Breeding Report must be mailed by December 31, 2009. Non Kentucky residents should include a copy of the stallion’s board bills covering his time in Kentucky.   2009 and 2010 foals from stallions not submitting the Stallion Nomination Form, Stallion Breeding Report and paying all fees will be charged a $100.00 verification fee per foal.


d)    Starting in 2010, stallions standing in Kentucky must file a Stallion Nomination Form and pay fees by February 1 of that year and submit an AMHA Stallion Breeding Report by December 31 of that year.  Non Kentucky residents should include a copy of the stallion’s board bills covering his time in Kentucky.  


2.     Mares must be bred in Kentucky, be in-state a minimum of 45 days at foaling, submits a Mare Nomination Form, color copy of the mare’s papers front and back, and all fees paid.  Foals must be born in Kentucky.  The Mare Nomination Form must be submitted at least 30 days prior to foaling. Mares may be nominated anytime after breeding. Non Kentucky residents must have a licensed Kentucky veterinarian physically inspect each foal within 48 hours of foaling, complete, and sign a Foaling Verification Form. Foaling Verification Form must be received within 30 days of inspection.  Out of state nominators must include a copy of the mare’s board bill while in Kentucky and Foaling Verification Form with Foal Nomination Form and pay all fees.


3.     All foals must be nominated:


a.     Horses foaled in Kentucky between 2004 and 2008 that were sired by a stallion that stood in Kentucky are eligible to be nominated by December 1, 2009.  Foal Nomination Form must be submitted by August 1, 2009 to count points for 2009.  All nominations after August 1, 2009 will start accumulating points January 1 of the following year.  These foals are only to be eligible to be nominated in 2009.  Horse Eligibility Verification Form may be submitted to verify a horse is KY bred.


b.     Foals of 2009 born in Kentucky which are sired by a stallion, which stood in Kentucky, are eligible to be nominated by December 1, 2009.  A late stallion nomination form and copy of the 2008 AMHA stallion breeding report must be on file by June 1, 2009 or 2009 foals will be charged a $100.00 verification fee per foal.  All Foal Nomination Form submitted after August 1, 2009 will start accumulating points January 1 of the following year.  A Foaling Verification Form and copy of the mare’s board bill is required of non-Kentucky residents.


c.      Foals of 2010 born in Kentucky which are sired by a stallion which stood in Kentucky and was nominated prior to June 1, 2009 are eligible to be nominated by December 1, 2010.  Foal Nomination Form must be submitted by August 1, 2010 to count points for 2010.  All nominations after August 1, 2010 will start accumulating points January 1 the following year.  A Foaling Verification Form and copy of the mare’s board bill is required of non-Kentucky residents.


d.     Foals of 2011 born in Kentucky which are sired by a stallion which stood in Kentucky and was nominated prior to Feb 1, 2010 are eligible to be nominated by December 1, 2011.  Foal Nomination Form must be submitted by August 1, 2011 to count points for 2011.  All nominations after August 1, 2011 will start accumulating points January 1 of the following year.  A Foaling Verification Form and copy of the Mare’s board bill  is required of non-Kentucky residents.


e.     Foals born after Jan. 1, 2009 not nominated by  Dec 1 of the year foaled may be late nominated for $100.00 per month late fee.


f.       All non-Kentucky residence must have a licensed Kentucky veterinarian physically inspect each foal within 48 hours of foaling and complete a Foaling Verification Form. The Foaling Verification Form must be received by KMHB within 30 days of inspection.  A copy of a Foaling Verification Form and a copy of the mare’s board bill while in Kentucky must be submitted with the Foal Nomination Form.  Veterinarian will be contacted for further clarification.  


g.     A color copy of the foal’s registration papers, front and back, must accompany the foals nomination.


h.     All nominated foals must be DNA’d. All foals of sires and dams born after January 1, 1996 must be parent qualified.  A copy of the foal’s DNA must be on file with KMHB prior to all payouts. Foal maybe DNA’d after nomination.


i.       No foal shall be eligible from semen shipped into Kentucky.  Semen may be shipped within Kentucky; both sire and dam, must be in the state when cover/insemination occurred.


j.       Only one (1) embryo transfer (ET) offspring per donor mare shall be eligible for enrollment in the KMHB IF per foaling year.  Donor mares shall stay in Kentucky until the recipient mare is checked in foal.  Recipient mares shall remain in Kentucky until checked in foal 42 – 60 days. An Embryo Transfer Notification Form must be submitted.  A licensed Kentucky Veterinarian shall perform all ET procedures.  A copy of all forms/paper work required by AMHA shall be sent to KMHB consistent with AMHA deadlines.



C.    Points  will be earned at all approved AMHA shows


1.     Deadline for foal nomination is August 1 in order to count points for current year.  All nominations after August 1 will start accumulating points January 1 the following year.  All foals showing as weanlings must be nominated by August 1 of their birth year to acquire points for that year.


2.     Points will be calculated as AMHA Honor Roll Points. Payouts will be based on number of Open and Amateur points earned by KMHB IF eligible horses. Show year will coincide with AMHA World Show qualifying cutoff date. AMHA World Show cutoff date is 30 days prior to the start of the World Show.  See AMHA rulebook WS-030-B. Points earned after that date will be counted with the following year. All approved shows held in Kentucky will earn double points. AMHA World Show does not earn points.


3.     AMHA’s most current show rules in print will serve as a guide and default criteria for any and all aspects of the KMHB IF.  All officially sanctioned AMHA shows qualify.


4.     Fifteen years of age is the limit for funding nominated foals.   Mares and stallions must be nominated yearly. Foal nomination is a once in a lifetime fee.



D.    Disbursement of Funds to all nominated Horse Owners:


1.     10% to the stallion owner/stallion nominator. Stallion owner is the person or persons owning the stallion at time of breeding. If the stallion has multiple owners, stallion may be nominated by all or one owner. Nominator is responsible for filling all forms and complying with all KMHBIF and KHRA rules.


     2. 10% to the breeder or foal nominator.  If not the same, the premium money will be awarded 50-50 to each party.


3. 80% to the owner or owners of the nominated foal.  If a nominated foal is sold during the show season, each owner will receive remuneration for the points earned under their ownership.    


4.KHRC will not distribute award checks prior to March 1 of the current year for the previous program year. Award checks will only be distributed when all program requirements have been met.   All required information must be post-marked to the KMHB no later than December 31 of the year following the program year.   Any dollars available from Incentive Fund requests not meeting this deadline will be allocated to the following year KMHB IF monies.